Oversigt over finansieringsmuligheder. Vi skelner mellem lokale, regionale og internationale finansieringsorganer. Vi udarbejder en oversigt over væsentlig finansiering til de forskellige faser i en udviklingsproces. Kontakterne til organer i højre side (Desktop) giver gratis rådgivning.
- National finansiering Danmark
- National finansiering Tyskland
- Regionale finansieringsmuligheder
- Internationale finansieringsmuligheder
Overvej desuden at
Independent Research Fund Danmark, DFF
Innovation Fund Denmark, different calls
Novo Nordisk Fonden (not for companies)
Danish National Research Foundation, for research institutions
The Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) funds outstanding basic research of the highest international level at the frontiers of all research fields
Aim of the fund is to support science and development in the social and health field. They support projects for enhancement of the quality of life within the health sector.
They support research and pilot tests.
They support in form of loan to companies
Competence building
Innovation Fund Denmark:
Grand solution programme
Innovation Fund Denmark:
Innobooster programme
Hands-on Mikrofonden has three areas:
Green Tech, Food and AI/digitalisation
Market access
Alle nationale tyske støtte værktøjer kan findes på
Find dit program og søg efter detaljer under linket. Følgende er et uddrag fra BMWI brochure ‘Von der Idee zum Markterfolg’
The following programmes support the start-up phase
High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF)
Gründerwettbewerb Digitale Innovationen
Startups in SH can get advice and find events dedicated to startups under Startup.sh
Competence building
The following programmes support competence building
go-Inno, go-Digital (SMV support for consulting, Innovation voucher)
Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentren
IT-Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft (IT safety in economy)
Digital Hub Initiative
German Accelerator
The following programmes support the prototype phase
Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF)
WIPANO (SMV Patent support)
Förderung digitaler Technologien
Market access
The following programmes support the market access phase
EAP-Kredit und Mezzanine
Regionale finansieringsorganer
Interreg A Deutschland Denmark
Interreg har til formål at styrke det grænseoverskridende samarbejde ved at finansiere tysk-danske projekter inden for fire fagområder, der er væsentlige for regionen. Interreg 6a-program løber fra 2021-2027, og de første indkaldelser forventes i sommer 2022.
Regional støtteprogrammer Schleswig Holstein: Baltic Business Angels
Støtte til startups (på tysk)
International funding
International funding
The EU funds research and development projects and projects that open up new markets. On the European Commission website specifically on financing and tendering, companies can find a wide range of information about the tendering process and business opportunities with the European Commission.
Horizon Europe
Most health-related funding is in pillar 2.
EU research should be strategic and solve an issue; the consortium should consist of a minimum of 3 different EU countries.
Regional funding for health
The EU’s regional policy seeks to reduce inequalities between Europe’s regions. This includes projects funding healthcare infrastructure, e-health, health coverage and health promotion programmes.
Funding for the EU’s health programme
The EU’s health programme co-financed projects improve human health and help EU countries develop innovative and sustainable health systems.
Innovative medicines initiative
Funding comes from the EU and the pharmaceutical industry. SMEs, academia, patient organisations, regulators and industry can get involved in projects.